Looking for Feedback

I only know of one person who reads this blog for sure, but I think there are a few others who check it from time to time, and I would love to hear ideas about this....

Sometimes I have a recipe I am working on to see if I can make it better. For example, I have this pancake recipe I thought was OK, but I have made it a couple different ways recently, with just slight changes. I think it is good now, but could be even better. So here is my question: How do I handle updating recipes? If I keep reposting, that will seem really redundant. Do I edit the original? But then it will be buried. Or do I put a new one up and delete the old one? Decisions, decisions.


Karen Compton said…
Hmm...Why not put up the new one with a link to the old one? Others might prefer the old to the new, or be able to offer different suggestions by comparing the two versions.
erin said…
You could leave a post to say you updated a recipe and paste a link to the original recipe post (which you have updated, though).

I enjoy your blog and your recipes....thank you for sharing
Shady Lady said…
I'm here reading and am open to however you want to post your recipes. I look forward to new ones!